Saturday, December 5, 2009

Conservatives post homoerotic pics, Free Republic excitedly links, site crashes: Draw your own conclusions

Gateway Pundit launched the kind of hyperbolic sex scare story -- Obama’s Safe Schools Czar Promotes Porn in the Classroom!!! -- that will be bouncing around wingnuttia for the entire Advent season. It must have just seemed like the Christmas-y thing to do.

Perhaps the story’s been a little too successful. All the repeated warnings about sexually explicit material as the link gets reposted have sent “the just curious” flocking to the site, which keeps crashing.

Now, Gateway insists that it’s not the prurient interests of its conservative Christian readers that’s making the site crash but wrathful cyber attacks by gays and lesbians.

Pardon my skepticism.

Media Matters deconstructs and debunks the story here.